ar X iv : 1 11 0 . 42 88 v 2 [ co nd - m at . d is - n n ] 9 O ct 2 01 2 Ordinary Percolation with Discontinuous Transitions
Percolation on a one-dimensional lattice and fractals such as the Sierpinski gasket is typically considered to be trivial because they percolate only at full bond density. By dressing up such lattices with small-world bonds, a novel percolation transition with explosive cluster growth can emerge at a nontrivial critical point. There, the usual order parameter, describing the probability of any node to be part of the largest cluster, jumps instantly to a finite value. Here, we provide a simple example of this transition in form of a small-world network consisting of a one-dimensional lattice combined with a hierarchy of long-range bonds that reveals many features of the transition in a mathematically rigorous manner.
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : 0 71 0 . 13 99 v 2 [ co nd - m at . d is - n n ] 1 9 O ct 2 00 7 Percolation in the Sherrington - Kirkpatrick Spin Glass
We present extended versions and give detailed proofs of results concerning percolation (using various sets of two-replica bond occupation variables) in Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin glasses (with zero external field) that were first given in an earlier paper by the same authors. We also explain how ultrametricity is manifested by the densities of large percolating clusters. Our main theorems co...
متن کاملar X iv : 1 30 6 . 51 74 v 3 [ co nd - m at . s up r - co n ] 1 4 O ct 2 01 3 Stripe Antiferromagnetic Spin Fluctuations
W. Jayasekara, Y. Lee, 2 Abhishek Pandey, 2 G. S. Tucker, 2 A. Sapkota, 2 J. Lamsal, 2 S. Calder, D. L. Abernathy, J. L. Niedziela, B. N. Harmon, 2 A. Kreyssig, 2 D. Vaknin, 2 D. C. Johnston, 2 A. I. Goldman, 2 and R. J. McQueeney 2 Ames Laboratory, Ames, Iowa, 50011, USA Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, 50011, USA Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge,...
متن کاملRTES-03 Interfaces.indd
[ B ur ns 20 07 ] B u rn s, A & W el lin gs , A C o n cu rr en t a n d R ea l-T im e Pr o gr am m in g in A d a, e d it io n C am b ri d ge U n iv er si ty P re ss 2 00 7 [ M o to ro la 19 96 ] M o to ro la Ti m e Pr o ce ss in g U n it R ef er en ce M an u al 1 99 6 p p . 1 -1 42 [ M o to ro la 20 00 ] M o to ro la M PC 56 5 & M PC 56 6 2 00 0 p p . 1 -1 31 2 [ P ea co ck 19 97 ] Pe ac o ck , ...
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[B ur ns 98 ] A la n B u rn s, B ri an D o b b in g, G eo rg e R o m an sk i Th e R av en sc ar T as ki n g Pr o fi le fo r H ig h In te gr it y Re al -T im e Pr o gr am s R el ia b le S o ft w ar e Te ch n o lo gi es , A d aEu ro p e ’9 8, U p p sa la , S w ed en , J u n e (1 99 8) [F ill ia tr e2 01 3] J.C . F ill ia tr e D ed u ct iv e Pr o gr am V er ic at io n w it h W h y3 – A T u to ri a...
متن کاملar X iv : 1 51 0 . 01 68 0 v 1 [ co nd - m at . s of t ] 6 O ct 2 01 5 Steady Flow Dynamics during Granular Impact
Abram H. Clark, 2 Lou Kondic, and Robert P. Behringer Department of Physics & Center for Nonlinear and Complex Systems, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708, USA Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520, USA Department of Mathematical Sciences, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, New Jersey 07102, USA (Dated: Octo...
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